
Potty Talk

notice the trash can
See anything different about Jose?
Dennis, Jose y Alejandro
Imperial - my new fave!

So yesterday after work, Jose came and picked us up and we went to Happy Hour with some of his co-workers.  They are going to try to do this every friday.  Most of the wives don't go - but Jose wanted me to meet everyone so off we went.  We dropped the kids off at Dennis and Nikki's (co-worker and his Honduran wife).  Dennis was at the Sky bar so we grabbed Nikki and had her come with us.  There were several kids at their house and Karen, the 20 yr old daughter so our boys were in good hands (and super excited to be going there to play).  We found the little dive on the side of the road The SKY BAR and met the guys.  I so wish I had some pics of the place but I don't.  It was interesting.... An open space connected to someone's residence I think?  because there was laundry hanging on the line in this courtyard area.  They were happy to have us there because besides our group there were maybe 3 other people there. Beers were 20 limperias which is about a dollar.  The gathering was fun until I had to go to the bathroom.  Now I've visited some bathrooms in Honduras of course and none of them had been too too bad but I only go if I absolutely have to.  They are usually pretty dirty and may or may not have toilet paper.  My mom had warned me of this and she was right.  Lucky for you I do have pictures to share of this particular bathroom.... Written on the door in marker was the words "Damas Y Caballeros"  which was the first clue that it might be less than desirable- a shared facility.  There was no toilet paper and it was overall just a nasty nasty place.  Dead cockroaches littered the floor some being eaten by ants......the pictures here can tell the rest.
Overall it was a fun time - we got back to Dennis and Nikki's to find Everett asleep on the couch and the boys begging for Jor DAN to spend the night.  They had a fun time and so did we but we made it an early night.


  1. OMG Guich- you look even more like Daddy, minus mustache...why the transformation..honestly you look younger!! Wellll glad you had fun at happy hour and as for the facilities...'hover.' I guess you will have to get in the habit of carrying a 'roll to go' too....Oh, this one is certainly for the memory book. Love ya..hugs and kisses for JorDAN and Everett.

  2. aww Evey looks so tired but I'm glad they have found some new friends. The bathroom pictures remind me of the bathrooms in the baghdad airport however those had the overwhelming smell of urine...No bueno :(

  3. Wow Guich looks so different without a mustache
